Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Weekend Bakes: Macha Red Bean Cupcakes

In celebration of Jie's Birthday, Mr. L and I thought it would the perfect week to have our second Weekend Bakes and try out a new cupcake flavor as a surprise Birthday cake for Jie. Mr. Lwas excited almost all week when we settled with Macha Red Bean because, did you know they are his favorites? And, he sneakily ate the unwanted bits almost all by himself

Overall, I loved how the Macha Red Bean Cupcakes turned out (very pleased) though all we need now is just a couple of minor adjustments to the recipe, this new flavor will soon be added to the existing  cupcake list and ready to be 'FOR SALE'. But, what I loved more was how serious Mr. L was when he was filling the cores with red bean. Very focused indeed! One more reason why I heart Thee.

Yours truly,

P/s - Dear Jie, here's wishing you a wonderful and blessed birthday and many more ahead. With lots of love, Ash and Mr. L

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