Saturday, 28 April 2012

A Year Older

A Happy Birthday to Alex!

Celebrating Alex's birthday, we dropped by Wimbly Lu for a marvellous dinner outing. Alex also brought his "girl-friend", Pearlyn along, and we had a wonderful time chit-chatting, taking shots with AJAX and Alex's polaroid camera. However, my feel is that Wimbly Lu is not really a dinner place with their limited main menu, rather their focus was on their desserts. Nevertheless, it is a wonderful place to kick back and chillax with a bunch of friend - wonderful ambience! And that was much like what we did after desserts. We brought our boardgame - Trans America - and had a few rounds of game (with Charmaine winning most of the time, what a "monster" I created in her). But I still love her... 

Wonderful place for desserts!

 Time for a game of Trans America...

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Weekend Bakes: Macha Red Bean Cupcakes

In celebration of Jie's Birthday, Mr. L and I thought it would the perfect week to have our second Weekend Bakes and try out a new cupcake flavor as a surprise Birthday cake for Jie. Mr. Lwas excited almost all week when we settled with Macha Red Bean because, did you know they are his favorites? And, he sneakily ate the unwanted bits almost all by himself

Overall, I loved how the Macha Red Bean Cupcakes turned out (very pleased) though all we need now is just a couple of minor adjustments to the recipe, this new flavor will soon be added to the existing  cupcake list and ready to be 'FOR SALE'. But, what I loved more was how serious Mr. L was when he was filling the cores with red bean. Very focused indeed! One more reason why I heart Thee.

Yours truly,

P/s - Dear Jie, here's wishing you a wonderful and blessed birthday and many more ahead. With lots of love, Ash and Mr. L

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Nadaman @ Shangri-La

Thanks to my dear Ashley, we got to enjoy a sumptuous Teppanyaki dinner at Nadaman, Shangri-La. Definitely a well spent evening with a fine dining experience. Besides the good food, our eyes were glued to the wonderful culinary skills of the 'ojisan' chef right in front of us. It was as though he was performing a dance with his hands and iron griddles on the grill. Totally entertaining! Enough said, take a look at the sumptuous spread that left our stomachs bloated and satisfied...

 1. Japanese Assorted Appetizer

 2. Seafood Salad

 3. Soft Shell Crab Ura Maki (~inside roll out)
4. Dobin Mushi (~Teapot Soup)

5. Wakame Tamago Soup (~Clear Seaweed Soup with egg)
6. Hatate Kaibashira & Ebi (~Scallop & Prawn)
 7. Asparagus Su-age (~Deep-fried Asparagus, smoked salt)
8. Gyuniku Usugiri (~Sliced Sirloin Steak Roll with Garlic Chips)

9. Moyashi (~Bean sprout)
10. Seafood Fried Rice

  11. Ogura Macha Ice Cream (~Green Tea Ice Cream with Red Bean)
12. Kuromitsu Kinako Mochi 
(~Japanese Sweet Dango, Kinako Soybean Flour)

Seeing the photos have stimulated my appetite, I'm off to grab something to bite!

Love always,

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Bread & Butter Pudding

Two Saturdays ago, the both of us picked up Ajax, a bread & butter pudding recipe, the necessary kitchen equipment & utensils, and our baking courage to experiment this new recipe.

Though it's not our first time baking/cooking together, doing something like this once in a while can be pretty fun and can learn a thing or two from each other. Am certainly looking forward to our next 'Weekend Bakes' date. Any suggestions on what recipes we should try? :)

Leslie & Ashley.

Monday, 2 April 2012

Monday's Letters

Dear Mr. L, a well spent Sunday afternoon prawning with ‘The Saints’ yesterday. Catch for us was pretty neat I say. We were in luck! But of cause we couldn't beat the regulars. It's the thrill and excitement when the prawns are hook on and out of the water, and then enjoying our hard work the fresh juicy & sweet meat and egg roe after 3 hours with great friends. But, what’s more highlighting than catching big head prawns was how you managed to get one of your catches stuck in between the roof panels. There goes one extra one we could have enjoyed. heee.

Yours truly,